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Care & Repair


Elvis et moi jewellery is handcrafted and carefully presented to you in a pouch. It is best to store your precious jewels in this packaging when it’s not being worn. Although swimming in the ocean is safe for Elvis et moi pieces, chlorinated pools will cause your jewellery to tarnish. Exposure to skin creams, sunscreen and perfume can also cause your jewellery to lose its lustre. All of our jewellery is delicate and should be handled carefully; pulling at chains and fasteners may result in breakage.

We offer a six month warranty period for any repairs required under normal wear. If other jewellers undertake repairs or alterations to Elvis et moi pieces, it will void this warranty period. 

If damage does occur to your Elvis et moi jewellery, or you would like to have it professionally cleaned and polished, we are happy to help. Please contact our customer care team on to share personal contact details and provide proof of purchase.

Once we reply with an RA#, items should be sent to our Sydney Atelier (see address below) along with a self-addressed and pre-paid express post bag so we can return your mended items home. 

On a case by case basis, some repairs may incur a fee, we will estimate this cost to you before undertaking the repair. This fee will be invoiced to you via email and repairs will commence once your payment has been received. 

If you are ever to lose one of your earrings, we are happy to sell single earrings so that your set will remain complete.

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