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Elvis et moi’s founder and creative director Emilie Costechareyre has had a lifelong passion for jewellery, seeing it as beautiful armour that protects the wearer.

Emilie designs pieces of fine gold-filled jewellery that elevate any outfit and represent universal love. Elvis et moi’s collaborations with top fashion brands, and inclusion in Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, have placed the brand's hoop earrings, gold necklaces and bracelets in the international fashion spotlight. Now, Elvis et moi is sold in boutiques across Asia and America and is worn globally. Beads, crystals and stones for Elvis et moi jewellery are curated from around the planet and recycled metals are used whenever possible. In an effort to protect human rights and reduce environmental impact, Elvis et moi works with members of the Responsible Jewellery Council.

Every piece of jewellery is handcrafted with love in the atelier in Sydney, Australia.

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