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Sybil, our face of the month...

Sybil, our face of the month...

Sybil is 21 years old, she works where ever the wind takes her – although is a student by trade, studying interior design and philosophy and she is our face of the month. She loves waking up to Alan Watts (meditation/podcasts) and listens to ‘Jungle’ Radio on Spotify on repeat. 

But what does she really think about Elvis et moi and our latest collection?

How did you hear about the brand? What comes into your mind when you think about Elvis et moi?

I don’t remember a time I didn’t admire Elvis et moi, especially being a Manly local. I would be shocked if one of my friends hadn’t heard of Elvis or didn’t already own a piece!

What comes to my mind… hmmm walking through Marché aux Puces de Clignancourt in the morning with a freshly baked croissant from a local bakery, or long Sunday brunch with the girls followed by lazing around in the sun all afternoon. A nomadic and chic blend.

You've worn a couple of our new styles, what did you think of them? How did you feel wearing them?

Pearls are always appropriate, and I’m soooo excited for the rest of the world to see Elvis et moi’s latest collection. I’m dying over anything pearl at the moment, it’s definitely a trend that's been reintroduced from the 70’s. I adore Elvis’ take on pearls with a fresh and chic look complimented by gold.

Which piece is your favourite and why?

That’s a hard question. But what caught my eye above all was the Tom earrings the pearls intertwined within a thin gold hoop, LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Hint hint: if you have more than one piercing the small Aiden earrings and large hoop look great next to each other!

How would you describe your style and what jewellery would you wear during the day, for time at the beach, and for a date?

I have a very sentimental relationship with jewellery. My everyday pieces rarely leave my neck, fingers and especially ears, partially because of laziness, but more so because of my minimalistic and simple style, which caters for all occasions. I do, however, love a good statement piece on a date night or special event. Something versatile that I can layer over my everyday range. 

Which piece from our website you would buy for a friend who does not know the brand?

ALL OF IT!! I would normally say it depends on the friend but absolutely all of it! I’m the type of person that puts thought into a gift, to make sure they truly appreciate it but I can hands down say that if I had an Elvis et moi lucky dip and went around to all my friends there would be nothing but smiles ear to ear.

Do you think jewellery can change the attitude or the confidence of someone? Explain.

“Jewellery has the power to be this one little thing that can make you feel unique” 

ABSOLUTELY! I believe you should feel confident in your own skin, with or without material objects, but you always feel that little bit extra special when you reach for the steering wheel and you see that beautiful ring you forgot you had on!  Jewellery compliments what’s already there and you should never shy away from a compliment.  

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