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E + M Travel Edit

As anticipation builds for a mid-year break, E+M helps you pack so that no matter your destination you look fabulous on arrival! Whether you plan to enjoy the late evenings of a European summer, hit the snowy slopes for skiing, or indulge in cocktails on the beach— we have you fully accessorised.

Tag us in your best holiday snaps, we love to see where you’ve been!

Flowing dresses and swimmers are your best friends and things are about to get relaxing. Playing on the tones of the ocean, the J’adore Earrings will glint beautifully beneath a hat as you gaze out at the deep blue. Whether you are wandering the sand or shredding the waves, sleek Brigitte Hoops are ready for anything. Make time for a late-morning nap, a must-have feature on any island holiday.

Long days and elegant nights call for chic looks that are easily coordinated. Jenna Earrings seamlessly transition from morning walks to evening drinks on the terrace. Onyx stones on our Black Elvis Necklace create a stunning neckline as you grace the cobblestone laneways and the halls of your favourite museum. Bask in late night sunsets, dining al fresco. 

Two of nature’s most precious metals will accompany you on all of your outdoor adventures. While you take in crazy views and loll in green space, the Little Angel Necklace and Angel Earrings tie any outfit together with a sign of universal love 🖤. Come evening, make your way fireside before the chill sets in.

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